It's time to get outside!
Posted on September 24 2019

As I count down the final days of warmth and sunshine in 2019, I’m conscious of trying to get the family outside for a dose of vitamin D. However, with 3 opinionated kids of 5, 10 and 12 years this is no longer a simple task. Gone are the days of spontaneously heading out to the park for a stroll with the double buggy...without any discussion. Now any plans to leave the house seem to require a parliamentary debate, which we all know can be never ending! Indoor distractions only add to the struggle as we all know. (Mummy, can I have the iPad?!)
As I really think about it, maybe the real issue is that our kid's lives are so busy, with such little downtime, that when it finally comes... they are exhausted! At these exact moments, when it may seem cruel to drag them away from the sofa, it’s important to remember that spending time outdoors is imperative to their health (and ours!). Vitamin D and exercise is proven to improve moods and create a positive mental attitude, and if you have a fidgety child, outdoor play leads them to becoming calmer and more focused in the classroom, not to mention encouraging exploration, independence and creativity.
It’s National Get Outside Day this Sunday, September 29th in the UK so it's time to get the family moving outside! Here are a few quick tips to help end the debate and get them out:
- Get out the wheels. Kids love taking their bikes for a spin. If you don’t have a bike and can’t keep up on foot try one of these accessible and flexible bike rentals in the UK
- Add some props to the adventure. Grab some balls, pavement chalk or buckets for collecting things.
- Get social. Organise an outdoor playdate to the local park, creek or lake. A meet up with friends is always a guaranteed pleaser.
- Schedule a treat on route. My kids will fly off the sofa for the promise of an ice cream or hot chocolate.
- Get planting. Children love being involved in the decision making, so take them to the nursery and allow them to choose a plant or some seeds to plant in your garden. If you don’t have a garden you can always buy a pot to go on the windowsill.
- Twirl! It’s much more fun to twirl outdoors where space is unlimited. All MyTwirl dresses are machine washable and made from quality materials so close contact with nature is greatly encouraged!
Please share your favourite outdoor activity with us in her MyTwirl dress! Share on facebook or instagram and tag us! You will be automatically entered to win a £50 gift card for on Tuesday, October 1st.